February 23, 2025

How I See The Future

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Author: Sara Visciola

By 2050 the lifestyle of people will have changed. I think there will be more pollution, particularly because the population will have increased. But I really hope that the powerful people will change some rules to preserve the environment and the earth.

I think new jobs will have been created, especially regarding technology and business, but in my opinion, it is important to preserve jobs related to agriculture as well. I hope people won’t be obsessed with technology, also because it can be dangerous if it’s used badly. I think the medical field will have made progress as well.

As far as my personal life, I hope I will have a good and loving family and a satisfying job. I also hope I’ll still have the amazing friends that I have now.

2 Responses

  1. Emanuela says:

    I think that in the future our country will be very polluted due to the various gases that are produced by industries, means of transport ecc. ecc. The teenagers will no longer be like now but they will be immersed in the technology. I also hope that I’ll still have a beautiful family and a good job that satisfies me.

  2. kadie says:

    I really hope that people wake up and do their part in keeping our environment clean. We can’t wait on our leaders to do anything anymore. We must act. And, in my opinion, it begins with not purchasing things that cannot be recycled. It is difficult to do but if we want to do something we have to make sacrifices!

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