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February 22, 2025
we say stop to pollution

Ocean garbage – the price marine animals pay

Marine pollution: what is it? By marine pollution we mean the contamination and poisoning of the sea that covers most of our earth’s surface. The causes Plastic: In the last few years plastic production has increased at an alrmingrate. Alarge percentageof a plastic waste is often deposited in the waters of the sea. Plastic is […]

The cruelty of rhino poaching

Rhinoceros poaching is still at crisis levels, according to the South African government. What is rhino poaching? Rhino poaching is when a rhino is killed illegally by poachers Why are the rhinos being poached? Rhinos are poached for their horns, believed to have special qualities for sexual prowess by ignorant Eastern cultures. Rhino poaching has escalated […]

Italian fashion

Italy is one of the leading countries in fashion design, alongside France, the United States and the United Kingdom.  Fashion has always been an important part of the country’s cultural life and society, and Italians are well known for dressing well; “la bella figura“, or good impression, remains traditional. Around 1650 cities such as Palermo, […]